
Whole Medicine Los Gatos
Whole Medicine in Los Gatos is located at 14127 Capri Drive, Suite 5A , Los Gatos , CA 95032. There is plenty of off street parking available next to Whole Medicine.
(408) 884-1972
During My Labor I Kept Repeating the mantra from your bulletin board: believe nothing but that which is in your own heart. Working together relaxed me, gave me the confidence to go into the unknown and have the birth that I wanted. —Heidi Timmons
I was referred to Tatyanna Teeuwisse for Chronic Pelvic pain. I suffered for years and endured multiple surgeries and was tired of Western Medicine. I went to Tatyanna as a last ditch effort before considering yet another surgery. Tatyanna took me under her wing – setting up a treatment plan and checking in with me between appointments. I began to faithfully take herbs and attend weekly appointments. Right away the fog that my brain had been under lifted and my thinking became more clear. Shortly thereafter, I could feel a difference in my overall body chemistry. The frequent and intense pain that I had experienced for years began to subside and the attacks grew further and further apart. Today I am at a place that I never thought I would get to! Not only is Tatyanna an amazing healer, she is also a wonderful person and became a friend and confidant. —Erika Broberg
I have utilized Tatyanna’s professional expertise and intuitive insights both professionally and personally. I have referred clients with multiple somatic complaints, long history of depression, and anxiety driven symptoms. Many clients come to my office on a plethora of medications and complaints. Tatyanna has provided collaborative treatment with some of my clients and assisted them in reducing their medications in half or more. My clients become more attuned to listening to their body’s needs, increasing their emotional awareness, and learning to trust their bodies; this is an imperative step when working with people of trauma backgrounds. Tatyanna has also provided loving, gentle, and intuitive support for me during my second pregnancy. At 37 weeks, my body continues to remain strong, relaxed, well rested, and with little discomfort. My spirit remains open, connected, peaceful, and grounded. I’m grateful for Tatyanna’s special gifts she provides to our community and I never hesitate to refer a client, friend, or family member to her practice. —Kristen Wright, M.A., LMFT
Tatyanna is gentle in her practice, but she will also tell you what’s what if there are important changes you need to make in your life — she gives what I would say is a firm encouragement. I truly believe that I would not have my son in my life if I had not met and been treated by Tatyanna. Her soul is one of a healer, and while I believe there is a little miracle worker in there, her strength is in her ability to listen and use her learned and granted tools to change lives for the better. —Claire Young