Organic Farm Stand

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We'll let you know when a pop-up Saturday morning Farm Stand is coming the day before--and what products we'll have available.
Hours and location:
We are open from 9-1 on some Saturday mornings.
We’re located just north of Hidden Valley Rd on N Rodeo Gulch in Soquel. PLEASE park inside the gate so the driveway stays clear and others may come and go! Please try to avoid driving over flowers and hitting our mail box LOL
Common products for sale:
Eggs, Jams, Honey, Lavender Products, Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Plants, Medicinal Products, and Flowers.
About our products:
As a practitioner of holistic medicine (of the Classical Chinese variety), I have a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all things. We keep our bodies healthy so our spirits are at peace. We prioritize peace over stressful states because we understand their implications within the body. We look to nature to understand climatic, elemental and seasonal relationships in our own microcosms. We accept and embrace change as a natural, organic part of life; and we honor all parts of the cycle.
The principles of permaculture beautifully mirror these holistic philosophies, and our gardening practices draw on both. We believe that food is medicine, and that the vitality (or *Qi) *of the plants and animal products is directly proportional to the *Qi *we can derive from them. Our products are grown with organic farming practices; we do not use synthetic chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides. We optimize on weeding, pest control and compost opportunities with our beloved Bock-alots (surname of our chicken flock), vermiculture (worm castings and tea for fertilization and foliar spray for bugs), and mulching with spent plant matter.
In time I hope to produce some more detailed articles about our practices and where and how to learn more. We live in an amazing area for healthy farming models, education and support!
How it all began:
I have farming in my blood. All the grandparents grew large gardens. Some of them, and all of their ancestors, worked on farms, both here and in the old countries. Spending time nurturing plants, animals, and the earth has always been a deeply healing and inspiring process for me and sharing the abundance and beauty is a hugely fulfilling way to honor and celebrate what is so precious to me.
We purchased this land 13 years ago specifically because of its rich soil and southwestern alignment, its gently sloping hills, its creeks and mighty oaks, and the native flora and fauna populations of our surrounding valley and foothills. Our little ecosystem consists of rich loamy creekbed, sandstone hardpan, oak duff, full sun, full shade, zones both 8 and 9 (for frost-needy and sub-tropical botanicals!)…it has been a joy to learn what likes to grow here.
The first 5 years were a struggle because herds of deer would come and mow anything I had growing! In addition there were dozens of trees planted way too close together, and so tall they blocked the sun and regularly took out power lines. Thistles had overtaken much of the yard, and the edges were skirted with hordes of fierce poison oak vines. There was trash everywhere, and weird out-buildings filled with decades-old rat nests. Over time, we have managed to overcome these challenges, and embarked on new and different ones as The Dream continues to unfold.
Our farm stand is in its very early stages, the culmination of our hard work and devotion to date! Our 100 or so fruit trees are just coming into their bearing years, and we have only recently stabilized in our beekeeping and chicken-rearing practices. Medicinal herbs and preparations, dahlia madness, and earthy-art are the next frontier.
As I learn more about permaculture philosophy and design I am inspired to share knowledge and insights with my neighbors. The farm stand has been a wonderful way to meet and get to know others who share this idyllic location. It’s so fun to share stories and insights, and find out ever new sources for llama dung, rare plants, and mason jars!
Story of the week:
8/5/17: This week we began seeing our first dahlia blooms. It’s always so exciting to see the colors pop and to gather bouquets.
Our farm stand today was the fullest most bountiful one yet! Lorraine of Blue Rooster Farm brought some gorgeous bouquets of amaryllis and dahlias, lettuces, mint, peaches, eggs and plums to add to our bouquets, preserves, citrus, lavender products, tinctures, eggs and veggies! We met a few more neighbors which is always fun.
It was the 2nd time someone has driven into our mailbox though, so we need to add the special warning to please pull in and out carefully!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! The clouds have lifted and that hot muggy air from yesterday has blown away and we can enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Whew!
7/29/17: This week we harvested honey! Bart pulled 5 bars of fully capped honey comb from the hives and squeezed 3 of them into the strainer bucket for bottling. One went into the freezer as emergency backup for the bees in winter, and one went to a struggling colony that got a late start on the season and needed a boost. Next weekend we’ll check to see if the other nectar combs have been capped and are ready for the taking!
Another exciting development was we finally poured a cement pad in the middle of the garden, so we can begin erecting the pergola there! This has been a long time coming and we’re excited to have a sheltered area there for resting and entertaining. The pad came out beautifully, with an orchid stain.
In the garden, we have had some gopher casualties, and the deer have been nibbling on the morning glories and pussy willows at the mouth of qi (roadside flower patch near farm stand). We also lost a couple chickens. Nothing unusual–it’s life and death on the farm, but it always stings a bit.
7/22/17: This week we began harvesting peaches and nectarines. Our family is in unanimous agreement that we should hoard them all to ourselves, as peach cobbler from preserved fruit was a bright spot throughout the winter and early spring this past year! (Sorry, not sorry!!!)
We are also about to do a honey-comb harvest, which we will share!
Casper would like me to tell the story about the dog and the chicken, but I am not ready…so we’ll just leave it right there, for now. See you next Saturday! Have a wonderful week.