365 days of gratitude! 2014
I am grateful for the beauty I see everywhere.I am grateful for an open mind.I am grateful for rest, silence, space, ease, and clarity.I am grateful for such abundance of all I need to survive, create, and share.I am grateful for a family who loves road tripping together.I am grateful for a growing awareness, acceptance, allowance for all the twists and turns of life, myself, and others.I am grateful for cycles and growth, new beginnings, and mystery.I am grateful for hiking desert trails with the whole extended family.I am grateful for this body and all it holds, supports, conveys, and transforms.I am grateful for this amazing omelet brought to me in bed.I am grateful for moms help w house and farm; for her companionship.I am grateful for our fantastically creative and fun advent calendar activities.I am grateful for a warm relaxing hot tub to pop into when I take the time.I am grateful for increasing harmony and acceptance of the challenges.I am grateful for a peaceful parent visit.I am grateful for the amazing success of the cold frames.I am grateful for the solstice, growing light; the sun.I am grateful for this my last day of treating patients in the capitola office.I am grateful for this sunrise.I am grateful for the farmer’s market.I am grateful for beverly’s make n take craft days with C.I am grateful for my freedom.I am grateful for music.I am grateful for my hot pack.I am grateful for sheila, claudia, and meeting new neighbors michael and garett.I am grateful for yoga.I am grateful for the rain, the compost, the warm growing beds.I am grateful for each new day.I am grateful for cleansing tears.I am grateful for a spare bedroom when I need to be alone.I am grateful for the silence.I am grateful for a delicious smelling noble fir in the living room trimmed by good friends and a coziness to share.I am grateful for row covers for my winter crops and all the alliums in the ground! I am grateful for ginger and jt, sharing their family holiday w/us.I am grateful for Simrit’s life and our short time working together.I am grateful for Heidi reaching out and coming to visit.I am grateful to have peaceful, grounded, open, loving friends who communicate!I am grateful to move through writing blocks! and reveal what they were hiding.I am grateful to live up the street from a furniture shop–endless large cardboard!I am grateful to be wrapping up this chapter of capitola work.I am grateful to have a 5 day weekend staycation upcoming! I am grateful to be healthy, and mentally sound.I am grateful for the smell of fresh pine chips as Andy cuts the big trees.I am grateful for casper and forrest’s weekend fun together.I am grateful for jeffrey finally agreeing to teach the daoist canon initiations.I am grateful to have walked in the city.I am grateful for the chance to see my old colleagues and friends.I am grateful for the rain that is to come this week.I am grateful that we are healthy and able-bodied.I am grateful to learn of holly’s shared love of farming.I am grateful for kiran’s presence in my life.I am grateful for my patients and my ability to help them.I am grateful to be home with a fire and my boys for these next few hours.I am grateful for so many garden resources online! I feel readier than ever this fall.I am grateful for this warm weekend day and still in bed at 1pm!I am grateful for the composts turned cold frames!I am grateful for the writing class about to begin.I am grateful for the shift happening with Capitola office and mondays soon free.I am grateful for enjoyment, effortlessness, being available for my own heart.I am grateful for the increasing number of times I take in the sky each day.I am grateful for a deeper, yet lighter, stepping in.I am grateful for flower essence sprays.I am grateful for this sugar/flour/dairy detox and 4 days at the gym.I am grateful for a long night of snuggles.I am grateful for kiran and divergent movie night.I am grateful for rainy halloween and laughing with stephanie about steam punk, house remodels, and google express.I am grateful for the quiet of the office, and focusing on healing.I am grateful for Breitenbush hot springs.I am grateful for the rain that kissed our land and softens the soil for weeding and planting.I am grateful for the new moon solar eclipse inipi ceremony with nupa.I am grateful for a growing trust and ease.I am grateful for the soft soft robe.I am grateful for the abundance of love.I am grateful for a fun family day.I am grateful for sunday cuddles and pancakes.I am grateful for indian summer–I can still plant…I am grateful for the growing sapotes, cherimoyas, melons and squash!I am grateful for a newly filled hot tub!I am grateful for dreams of infinite games via pathfinder portal I am grateful for effortless, spacious, joyful flow.I am grateful for the UCSC Arboretum and all its lovely volunteers and plants.I am grateful for an exquisite mommy deedle day playing at open studios.I am grateful for magical antique buttons and peggy the potter.I am grateful for the wispy clouds, blue sky, growing melons.I am grateful for a bubble bath and clean hair.I am grateful for a fun game of chess in bed.I am grateful for waking to a sunny day in mid October on the farm!I am grateful for an opportunity to make income fom rentals.I am grateful for moments of rest.I am grateful for cracks, opening to light.I am grateful for the most comfortable bed in all existence here in the lennon room (krishnamurti foundation).I am grateful for the radiant silver dao, pouring through each pore of consciousness, silently holding, nourishing, and stripping away..I am grateful for this body and this earth which house this magnificent dream.I am grateful for Keynote and the creativity it lends to a talk.I am grateful for B’s technical help and willingness ‘I am at your service’.I am grateful for C’s spontaneous dance show.I am grateful for Honey getting more and more calm and loving.I am grateful to be sleeping again.I am grateful for the folks who are coming today to hear me speak.I am grateful to have a retreat in Ojai this week!I am grateful to be learning about hand print analysis.I am grateful we seem to have found a way to inspire C to do school and chores.I am grateful for stroopwaffles.I am grateful for the rain.I am grateful for my legs.I am grateful for my heart.I am grateful for my hands.I am grateful for the fertile soil.I am grateful for my patients.I am grateful for my health care providers.I am grateful for the support and love of B and C.I am grateful for the healing of my right foot/ankle/tibia/knee/hip/sacrum.I am grateful for the quiet and allowing myself to seek it out.I am grateful for this Earth workshop which deepens my understanding as I prepare the content.I am grateful for ‘relational presence’ and learning to receive attention without anxiety.I am grateful for the chance to bring beauty and magic through 5 element teachings.I am grateful for Trees.I am grateful for the return of some intimacy in my heart, to my inner child and body.I am grateful for my sweetie who can make delicious food out of nothing!I am grateful for this stunning earth and her beautiful peaks, valleys, hills, and caves.I am grateful for the survival skills I have learned.I am grateful for the full moon chanting tonight.I am grateful for parents who will welcome me and my family.I am grateful for glacier international peace park.I am grateful to all brave women w the courage to write their truth.I am grateful for a body still willing to heal.I am grateful for Kiran.I am grateful for the parts of me holding fast to Love, Earth, Space.I am grateful for the music of Snatam Kaur.I am grateful for my boy’s tenderness.I am grateful for my growing acceptance and softening of need.I am grateful for vacation with my most loved.I am grateful for the words that will set me free.I am grateful for michael ray, loving and forgiving and explaining white supremacy to a white congregation.I am grateful for sweet honey in the rock–soothing, inspiring.I am grateful for the autumn misting its way in.I am grateful for a writing flow, the new willingness.I am grateful for being able to plant a fall garden!I am grateful that B has overcome the neck scare!I am grateful to have herbs and know how to use them.I am grateful to have so many passions that I must choose.I am grateful for Kiran and an Ojai getaway/enrichment retreat come October.I am grateful to have the foresight to plan Breitenbush for Oct 22!I am grateful for the life force of the fruit trees.I am grateful for my ‘1st world problems’ eg land ownership and when to retire!I am grateful for the gupster.I am grateful for elena storer and EMDR integration.I am grateful for maggie and her eo flower essence blends.I am grateful for sherry who is after all a loyal friend.I am grateful for Ariel, and the writing, where it is taking me.I am grateful for the supermoon, perseid shower and maggie.I am grateful for Nico and his massage table.I am grateful for mommy deedle days.I am grateful for ginger’s friendship and love.I am grateful for these new people I am working with, their open hearts and willingness to heal.I am grateful for a saturday that demands nothing from me, and a new me who is asking much, much less.I am grateful that I am not binging or thinking about binging generally these days.I am grateful for my sweetie’s giving nature and humor.I am grateful I got to have a brother if just for a time.I am grateful to the work week which provides contrast to FRIDAY NIGHT!!!I am grateful to sue and glenn carter (IRIS) for sharing their time and fun plans.I am grateful to Munes and Marnette for helping me put words to Trust, Heavenly plane of light(ness), distraction techniques of joy, peace, gratitude in all their simplicity…I am grateful for my body.I am grateful for my relationship in its healing flow.I am grateful for the women of love magic.I am grateful for my herbal formula.I am grateful to have only ‘first world problems.’ I am grateful for Honey, soft and brushed and clean.I am grateful for have 8 huge containers less of poison oak on our land.I am grateful to have a much cleaner house than before the weekend.I am grateful for chocolate.I am grateful to know I do best without dairy and some willpower to behave.I am grateful to know I must go to the gym for sanity, and some willpower to abide.I am grateful for ariel’s writing course, the opportunity and challenge.I am grateful to be alive.I am grateful for bees, swarming or no and for my mentors.I am grateful for the opportunity to teach.I am grateful for Liliana sharing her gratitude of our work together.I am grateful for an open mind that lets me see my patterns and try to shift them.I am grateful for coffee to help my headache and get things done.I am grateful to have options in catering this retreat!I am grateful to poppy for making our camping trip fab.I am grateful to art the bee rescuer for his time and the gift of wild bees, honey, kindness and generosity.I am grateful to christine yang for being such an amazing woman–and patricia.I am grateful to be retreating with so many good friends.I am grateful to live near the ocean.I am grateful to have the earth, and elements speak through me.I am grateful to be working with clay.I am grateful to have an empty inbox (it’s the little things ;)..I am grateful to be living a long held dream to lead a women’s retreat w great people at a hotsprings with ceremony, play, great food, dancing and LOVE!I am grateful to be working on the book again.I am grateful for the clear skies summertime and happy new bees with a feast of lavender and sunflowers!I am grateful for sand dollars, and eucalyptus seeds; nature mandalas!I am grateful for mercury direct.I am grateful for poetry, and music and art.I am grateful for divine inspiration.I am grateful to have a cosmological perspective that feels inclusive and resonant.I am grateful for jeffrey yuen.I am grateful for this sleepy end of the day.I am grateful for the basement, and time to paint plant naming sticks.I am grateful to have completed most all of the house plant potting.I am grateful to be semi prepared for this upcoming trip.I am grateful for Chuck and Zeina and their ongoing support.I am grateful for Art and a new chance at bees.I am grateful for herbs helping me get back on track.I am grateful to have had a nice long chat w/mom and ron yesterday during my drive.I am grateful B is taking on the food prep for our whitney trip.I am grateful for Ariel’s writing workshop.I am grateful for cooler weather today and a chance to get in melons and pumpkins.I am grateful to be gradually cleaning out the house.I am grateful for the notion that source is love.I am grateful to be leading this retreat.I am grateful for B making dinner.I am grateful for C snuggles.I am grateful for nano coming back safely.I am grateful for nanu’s wedgewood stove.I am grateful for the soft face and fur of my doggie.I am grateful for 7 fresh weed-free garden beds for flower plantings.I am grateful a few of the bees could be recovered.I am grateful B got to do a bucket list item (shasta) and I got some time to deep clean the basement).I am grateful I had an hour with heidi texting, even if she will have no recall…I am grateful for my boy, his kindness, his humor, his hugs.I am grateful for a visit with Christina today–great food, fun company, joy.I am grateful for more girl time tonight–women farmers at that! with sons!I am grateful our home is cool on hot days.I am grateful the sun rises above the hill at 7:02 am and the day begins warmly.I am grateful for zeina.I am grateful for Maya Angelou who passed over yesterday I am grateful for choice.I am grateful for the hope in a new day.I am grateful for this body which still supports so much of my needs and expressions.I am grateful for those who believe in me, and the parts of me that still have faith.I am grateful for Honey licking my tears today.I am grateful for Deedle being so easy going and sweet.I am grateful for coconut oil after my shower.I am grateful for mindless TV on edgy nights.I am grateful for a reprieve.I am grateful to be held and seen and supported, challenged and tested, opening.I am grateful for help in the garden at long last!I am grateful for my patients and the gifts they bring.I am grateful to have a job with purpose.I am grateful to have the strength and means of pulling through such a day as this one.I am grateful for Chuck.I am grateful for spontaneous Deedle hugs.I am grateful for Mom’s caring words.I am grateful for Mossy/Eden’s email of chicks and care package.I am grateful for the bed that awaits…I am grateful for the grace to laugh at my neuroses.I am grateful to have a hand nozzle again at the kitchen sink.I am grateful for my family’s tolerance of me and love.I am grateful for the chickens’ short memories and forgiveness in spite of daily horrors and neglect.I am grateful for the dog’s forgiveness and ‘living in the now.’ unconditional love.I am grateful for Playfulness.I am grateful for the laughter that comes to break tension and return us back to communion.I am grateful for the willingness of the heart to open in spite of unconsciousness.I am grateful for what comes through in my writing.I am grateful for the daily miracles.I am grateful for the d.I am grateful for the courage that softens the walls of illusion, separation.I am grateful for the places I can still go to hide and the fact I don’t need to go there so much anymore.I am grateful for the times I remember that breathing is an option.I am grateful for the life I’ve been given—not all of me is grateful, and these parts not all of the time.I am grateful to realize this and so I can be humble and pray for union.I am grateful for this day and the opportunities it offers to heal, to forgive, to perceive beauty, to participate in the grand human drama, the celestial movie.I am grateful to have energy to get work done at 3am.I am grateful for my parent’s visit and help around the land.I am grateful for the affection.I am grateful for the two baby chicks.I am grateful for the new chicken coop.I am grateful that Casper is so clever.I am grateful for my ability to see Shenpa!! (hooking left and right yesterday!)I am grateful for this opportunity to give a talk about CM this coming week.I am grateful to be leading a womens retreat!!I am grateful the bees did not swarm.I am grateful for all the new fruit trees.I am grateful for wonderful neighbors.I am grateful to be on top of the inbox once again!!I am grateful for Honey.I am grateful for bed.I am grateful for a vantage point to see the insanity, and the willingness to simplify.I am so grateful to all the positive entities that are hard at work helping us here in this dimension!I am grateful for music.I am grateful for kind strangers.I am grateful for the ocean, and to live near it.I am grateful for the grace that appears at work.I am grateful for loving family on harold’s side.I am grateful for pancakes sunday morning.I am grateful for strong herbs for headaches!I am grateful for craigslist.I am grateful for weekends.I am grateful for gardening maniac neighbors and beekeepers Dan and Lorraine.I am grateful for Les Crowder and Dave Stocks my beekeeping mentors and all around great guys.I am grateful for the new friends I’m making.I am grateful for the Quiet Hours.I am grateful for Pinterest.I am grateful for Big Toe the sweet mother hen.I am grateful for the bees.I am grateful for Jonah my garden angel .I am grateful for Tricia & Bob.I am grateful for Claudia sending farming info my way.I am grateful for Holly and Miles having us over yesterday.I am grateful to have met some of their friends and neighbors; Nice connections.I am grateful for the energy and guidance to be organizing the retreat.I am grateful to have B’s help and support.I am grateful to have the funds and bandwidth to take on the Asheville trip next month, grateful Jeffrey and Cissy are offering it, and that Josephine will lodge me.I am grateful to be working on the novel again!I am grateful for the rain.I am grateful for this opportunity to heal humanity through myself-this human.I am grateful for the oft-neglected big picture, 3rd person ‘movie’ vantage point.I am grateful to be able to meet with my parents on Tues.I am grateful to have Ryan as a neighbor, so helpful with my farming questions, so kind and generous.I am grateful to be getting the knack of K12, finding patience with homeschooling.I am grateful to have asparagus coming up in the garden!! and to have sawdust to amend the blueberries..I am grateful for Deedle who says: ‘I love you more than you can imagine. I love you to the next galaxy. I love you in all the dimensions. I think love is too powerful to be held in one dimension.’I am grateful I could use insomnia to accomplish insurance billing! And for the clearing of the mouth of qi! And for the hot tub when I’m cold! And for such a thoughtful, generous, adorable boy.I am grateful we live near the ocean.I am grateful for our awesome rototiller.I am grateful for the motivation to wash windows.I am grateful to have 2 patient boys who put up with my temper and moods and funny ways.I am grateful for michele.I am grateful for strength returning, able to work all day in the yard!I am grateful to meet Kiran, a new friend and to learn more about krauting, lavender honey.I am grateful for my patients.I am grateful for wednesdays free to homeschool my boy.I am grateful for Beverly’s craft night and crafters everywhere! I am grateful to feel love amidst the confusion, frustration, and exhaustion of PMS.I am grateful to have a sister.I am grateful I don’t have to work today.I am grateful we have a home.I am grateful D enjoys learning.I am grateful for BED and TV and movies.I am grateful for weekends.I am grateful for chickens.I am grateful for Pinterest.I am grateful for the beautiful rain and quenched earth.I am grateful for our wonderful new doggie.I am grateful for the fire and cozy living room.I am grateful for technology simplifying things.I am grateful for my new office space!! I am grateful for access and means to healthy produce! I am also grateful for chocolate.I am grateful for harolds family still opening their hearts to us.I am grateful for mom and ron helping and caring.I am grateful for the energy and motivation to clean and organize.I am grateful for the 4 seasons.I am grateful for Casper making it to 8 and thriving! I am grateful for our basement o’ art and all the possibilities therein!!I am grateful for the 4lbs I have lost.I am grateful for our refi going through!! and only 15 years left!! I am grateful for new moons and full moons and remembering to notice.I am grateful for MJ and homeopathy.I am grateful for Christina and Gita.I am grateful for guppy.I am grateful for year of the horse.I am grateful for aromatherapy! I am grateful for cell power.I am grateful for a lazy bath and dumb TV.In this moment I am grateful for having a day off and being w/my family.I am grateful my boy notices when I need a hug and gives really awesome ones!!! I am grateful for having the energy to exercise again, and having the support to make it happen.I am grateful for my delightful boy who colors creative gifts for us w/the 6 colored pencil.I am grateful for my handy sweetie who can repair just about anything (today the hot pot and possibly kitchen scale).I am grateful for our cats, who are just warm and furry and purry and occasionally kill gophers.I am grateful for santa cruz. What a place!I am grateful for our land and all we have accomplished here.I am grateful for the internet–so easy to find info and like minded people!I am grateful that we both have great work we enjoy and aren’t struggling financially.